Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Update – 3rd April 2020

Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Update – 3rd April 2020

Letter sent to Parents and Carers – Friday 3rd April 2020

Hello to you all from everyone at Grove Cottage. We know this is an extremely challenging time for all our members and their families and carers. As you know we have had to close our services during this unprecedented time. We are very aware that this period of isolation will affect all families in a variety of ways.

We wanted to let you know that although our doors are closed Grove Cottage is still here to support you. If you need to contact us to talk or help for sign posting to other organisations that may be able to support, please do so.

You can:

  • call us on; 07482 535020
  • email or
  • message us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and one of the team will get back to you.

We would also like to make you aware of a fantastic local initiative called Operation CommUNITY which Grove Cottage wholeheartedly supports and has joined as a partner. This has been set up to support vulnerable people in the local area and may be able to support some of our families during the coming weeks /months. For further details on this initiative please click HERE.

Here is the letter we recently sent to our volunteers about Operation CommUNITY.

We are also having weekly conference calls with the Royal Mencap Society who are producing a number of useful resources that may be of interest to you. We will share some of these on our website and would also encourage parents and carers to visit their website. One of the resources The Royal Mencap Society have created for Mencap members is a COVID19 Hospital Passport this can supplement your existing hospital passport if you have one, or if you do not it is a useful document for medical staff to have readily available should there be an unfortunate situation and a member requires medical attention. Mencap have also produced an Easy Read letter for people who have been sent an ‘At Risk’ letter from the NHS which you can READ HERE.

Further information about COVID-19 can be found on our website HERE.

We are also creating a closed Facebook group for members and their parents/carers and our staff so we have a safe space to talk to each other and you can tell us how you are feeling, what you are up to during these strange times and we will try and have some fun by sharing videos and photos in a positive environment together.

Grove Cottage relies heavily on events, challenges and grants. The global covid-19 health crisis has left us rapidly adapting how we work and facing a dramatic loss of income. We have had to cancel upcoming fundraising events and have been in contact with our funders to see how they can best support us so that we can resume our usual services as soon as we are able.

We have also taken the difficult decision to furlough some of our amazing staff, however we still stay committed to supporting our families and are working hard behind the scenes to see how we can best support you all and evolve our services.

We will remain in contact and will update you with information about our Closed Facebook Group as soon as we can.

Please take care, keep in touch.

Very Best Wishes

Jocelin Warren (BA Hons, PGDip)
Operations Manager

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